'GOOD' News for Frogmore Juniors - Ofsted Inspection Report
Good news for Frogmore Junior School
We are delighted that the Ofsted inspector found that Frogmore continues to be a “good” school, and particularly proud that she praised the school as a happy, inclusive school where “warm relationships permeate all aspects of school life (and) pupils feel safe and know that staff always listen to them”.
The inspector praised the high expectations we have for all our children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and noted that “typically, pupils achieve well”. She noted our new, ambitious curriculum, which has been introduced for all our children and commended our teachers on knowing “exactly what to teach and when to teach it”.
We are particularly pleased that the inspector saw that we have high aspirations that all our children will succeed, and she recognised that “Pupils with SEND are flourishing and learning well.” She praised the support in place for those children with SEND, noting that the school “identifies and considers pupils’ additional needs effectively. Teachers write precise and useful targets for pupils with SEND.”
The inspection report acknowledges that “Reading is a priority across the school”. It states that we identify high-quality children’s literature for pupils to read and study and the texts reflect the school’s commitment to diversity and inclusion; it also notes our well-established phonics programme.
We are also pleased that the inspector praises the school’s work on pupils’ personal development which is a strength of the school. Pupils respect the views of others, politely disagreeing if need be and celebrate difference.
Headteacher Emma Rodziewicz commented, “We are delighted that our school has again been rated 'good' in its most recent Ofsted inspection. Thank you to everyone within the school community who has supported and worked extremely hard to ensure the children are at the centre of every decision we make, so they can reach their full potential and the school continues to flourish.”
To read the full Ofsted Report please click here.
For a copy of the letter sent to Parents please click here.